
Time Management Is The Key

Time management is critical to your sales management success.  With all the demands a sales manager has tugging at them each day, how you manage the time you have is extremely important.  For the sales manager to be effective, you have to keep your goals front and center so they don’t get lost in the shuffle.  Prioritize.

Of all your assets, time is the most valuable.  Once it’s gone, it is lost forever.  To be effective, the first step is to take control of the time you have.

Sales Managers Use Time Management to Reach Goals Sales Management Workshop

Time Management is Key – Sales Management Workshop

Establish a list of priorities.  Each of us needs to determine what are the critical things we must do to make sure that we accomplish our sales objectives.  Once we have done that, we are in a position to not only manage our time more effectively, but to use time management to insure we reach our objectives.


Your First Priority, In Time Management, Is To Achieve Your Sales Objectives

Above all else, your number one priority is to achieve or exceed your sales objectives.  All of your other objectives must support the achievement of that goal.

Start by developing a list of priorities and assign the  time you will devote to each of them.  Don’t go off kilter when they don’t fit nicely into a 40 hour week. You aren’t doing anything wrong, that’s the price of admission to success and meeting your objectives.

Keep in mind that your top priority is to meet your sales objectives.  Anything that takes you away from that should be put into a pile labeled, after I have achieved my goals.

To support your top priority and goal of meeting and exceeding your revenue targets you should list out those things that support that goal. In most cases, the sales managers job is not to actually produce the sales themselves, but to generate sales revenue through the efforts of others.  They generate revenue through the efforts of the sales team.

That being said your top priorities should be the development of your sales teams productivity, and your marketplace. Your priorities, goals and objectives may vary, but here is a list of five that could be yours:

  • Increasing lead flow – This is something you never have enough of, so how can you make it better?  Schedule time to develop your lead program.
  • Developing more informative and beneficial weekly sales meetings – we talked about this in the last podcast,  Team Coaching – The Sales Meeting.
  • Schedule weekly customer visits with your top customers – Customers are king, and you are the king maker. Good time management practices will give you time to visit your most important assets.
  • Developing a plan and schedule for more effective one-on-ones with your sales team.  One-on-one meetings with your sales people represent the best methods for improving performance you have and should be on your calendar.  This should be a top priority.
  • Establishing a training schedule for your sales team that involves sales techniques as well as product training – If you aren’t using time management to establish a training schedule, you are missing the boat.

This is one set of sales priorities.  Now you should sit back and decide what your priorities are to insure that you meet your revenue objectives.  Be ready to schedule them out for the next six months to a year.  That’s good time management.

Prioritize your goals and objectives and then use time management to insure that you stay focused.  With good time management your ability to achieve and succeed becomes much greater.


A Good Read About Time Management

An excellent book you might want to check out is Time Management In an Instant: 60 Ways to Make the Most of Your Day (In an Instant (Career Press)).  It’s by Karen Leland and Keith Bailey.  This is my affiliate link to the book on amazon.  They have included lots of exercises you may find helpful in using time management to help you meet your objectives.  The book in paperback has a retail price of around $11.99.  If you use the link, the  book is  only $9.95 on Amazon.  You can use the link or go to the book store and find it.  That’s up to you.  How ever you get it, it’s worth the read.

The key for an effective sales leader is to have some sort of time management system in place. You will be amazed at how much more efficient and effective you‘ll become when you start managing your time more effectively.  Proper use of time management and your calendar will not answer all the questions on how to gain control of your time, but it’s a start to helping you become a more effective sales leader.


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SALES MANAGEMENT COACHING & CONSULTING: I’m available for one-on-one sales management coaching and consulting. If you would like help in taking your sales program to the next level, let me know. I’m sure that with my experience, I can provide you with the help and guidance you are looking for. Let me know How I Can Help. I’d love to work with you.


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